Categories: Product Reviews

What is click funnels and what is the hype about?

What is click funnels?

Since the birth of internet marketing dating back to the early nineties, entrepreneurs have been desperately trying to find ways to make selling products and services more efficient.  Everything from affiliate marketing programs to landing pages.

The problem hasn’t been necessarily the action being taken by people, to implement the training provided by internet marketing gurus…. but the training itself has been flawed from day one when the internet was created.

It has literally taken me 10 years or a decade of experience to figure out why none of the training people have been receiving converts visitors into actual sales, when it comes to marketing online.

The problem with traditional websites

For the last 20 years or so, it was taught that the best way to get a website out and viewable to the public; was to create a website with 4 or 5 categories and then create drop downs or links to other posts and pages.

This may appear beautiful in design and may look as if it’s actually a good website that does something, but the truth is, this approach does nothing more than get you a good-looking website.

Education can be misinformation

You see the problem is hidden within, what traditional education on web-site design and internet marketing teaches you.  The information that we (internet marketers) have been being fed is backwards.  Traditional websites from a technical perspective are built from the foundation up to overwhelm visitors.

This explains why websites I have built for myself and others have had high bounce rates with visitors, including the website you are on right now.  A bounce is when a visitor comes to your website and immediately leaves for various reasons.

One of the more common reasons for leaving a website right away, is that visitors don’t know where to go to search for a product or service.  If you have a website with 30 pages and each page promotes something different, they are more than likely going to get lost or get impatient looking for whatever it is they are looking for and leave your site to find a better site.

With Ecommerce sites, those are considered traditional sites as well and if you check out the landing page for LDI ADVERTISING, you will see an example in the second video where we explain why Ecommerce sites don’t convert either.

This brings us to the question of… If traditional websites don’t work, then how do you convert customers with marketing a site online?

Click Funnels and converting leads

We talked about setting up a traditional website with something like Word Press, Weebly or some other website building platform that you might be using.  That’s all good, but you MUST do more.

In 2014 a guy by the name of Russell Brunson introduced something called Click Funnels.  This platform literally took the market by storm and started a movement or shift with internet marketing.

What makes Click Funnels work?

Click Funnels is a completely different platform, than any of the other website platforms we have used.  It was designed for the sole purpose of generating more leads and creating more sales in a much more efficient way than building traditional websites.


  • 14-Day Free trial – We love this because you can get started for free.  This beats paying 150.00 for startup costs in order to build a traditional website with hosting through Bluehost or another hosting company.
  • It leads the user through a sales process rather than allowing the user to explore and search a website for a product or service.
  • It is designed so that, when you build your funnel it gets straight to the point.
  • Super user-friendly navigation of the platform.
  • It comes with pre-designed templates already programmed out for you, so that you don’t have to be a tech guru in order to start building your landing pages.
  • Click Funnels gives you an entire selection of funnels to choose from to gear your marketing strategy to selling a specific product or service.  Some of those funnels include Auto webinars, webinar registrations, squeeze pages, reverse squeeze pages and the list goes on.
  • Integration with Word Press traditional websites.  If you have a traditional web site, KEEP it and add your funnels to Word Press so that your web site includes funnel pages from here on out.
  • Your conversion rates will INCREASE.
  • Bounce rates will DECREASE.
  • Allows you to integrate an auto email responder system so that your users get an automated thank you email, reminder message or follow up email in the future.


  • Expensive A lot of up sells are included.  This isn’t really a bad thing however, if you are just starting out the cost can add up quick with all the additional training and tools that they provide in order to make sure you get the best results possible.
  • Training videos can be a bit over whelming at times.  Russell loves to talk so when your watching his videos be ready to sit down and focus for hours on end.
  • You get excited and can get ahead of yourself.
  • NO guarantee that you will convert leads and start making sales with your first funnel.
  • If you want a get rich scheme you are looking in the wrong place.


Click Funnels Training

When you sign up for your 14-day FREE trial, you get the funnel builder secrets step by step guide.  This walks you through a checklist of things to consider such as what your marketing strategy will be, what funnel you will use and so on.

It also includes videos that walk you through how to navigate the back end of Click Funnels platform.  The training also gives you a bunch of books and material that you can start using right away that were put together by Russell Brunson.

Books include:

  1. Click Funnels Cookbook – FREE
  2. Expert Secrets – 7.99 (for shipping ONLY)
  3. Secrets – 7.99 (for shipping ONLY)

Not only are you getting a FREE platform to use but you are also getting insight and knowledge straight from Russell Brunson himself.

These books are complete step by step guides on how to implement Click Funnels with a unique marketing strategy for a specific marketing purpose.

It’s a complete blueprint of how to do things correctly to get the best results possible using Russel Brunson’s proven and tested methods for generating leads and new customers for your business.


What do you have to lose?

As an investor and business owner, there is one thing I have learned over the years from exploring, researching and trying different things to try and succeed.  The longer you put things off, the more time goes by and you are accomplishing nothing.

If you want to reach a goal you have to TAKE ACTION! If you want to a better life and want to change things for your business or in a relationship or whatever it might be…. You must act.

Which leads to the question of What do you have to lose if you try Click Funnels?

  • Its FREE for 14 days so you don’t lose any money.
  • You get at the very least, new information that can get you pointed in the right direction towards progress with your online marketing efforts.
  • A step by step process of how to generate leads and potential new customers which leads to what??  That’s right, more $$$ money in your pocket.

As an investor and business owner this is what your main goal is.  You want to get a return on your investment and for this investment…. it costs nothing upfront.

After 14 days, you have the right to either go somewhere else and try something that may or may not work for you or you pay just 97.00 a month for access to the platform.  The 97.00 charge is monthly, and you get up to 20 funnels that you can build for yourself or for new customers along with all the FREE pre-built templates and much more.

Get Started NOW!

If you need a personal coach to help walk you through the process you can visit LDI Advertising. We can help you if you don’t have the time to do this yourself and you would rather focus on your business operations.

Casey Kepley

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