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What is clickfunnels used for?

What is click funnels and how does it work?

Clickfunnels is the next step in the evolutionary process of making money online.  It’s a way to clone yourself and your sales process.  It’s kind of like having your own sales professional selling your product for you 24/7/365 days a year regardless if you are awake or asleep.  Sounds AWESOME right?

If you think that is awesome keep reading because clickfunnels OFFERS more than just that.

Since the birth of internet marketing dating back to the early nineties, entrepreneurs have been desperately trying to find ways to make selling products and services more efficient.  Everything from affiliate marketing programs to landing pages.

The problem hasn’t been necessarily the action being taken by people, to implement the training provided by internet marketing experts…. but the training itself has been flawed from day one when the internet was created.

It has literally taken me 10 years of experience to figure out why none of the training people have been receiving converts visitors into actual sales, when it comes to marketing online.

  1. Most people are just trying to sale their courses and information, REGARDLESS if it works or not.
  2. What is being taught a lot of times, is not relevant to the updates with the algorithms that Google puts out.  The content becomes irrelevant as soon as you feel comfortable with it.
  3. People spend MONEY and their TIME trying to follow a program that offers little control.

They teach you to focus just on 1 platform like You Tube, Amazon affiliate program, a traditional website & content marketing or something else.  Another wards, they don’t teach you to diversify your efforts and you end up at the mercy of 1 company and the companies affiliate policies, bonus structure changes etc.

Now let me be clear and this is just speaking from experience, focusing on 1 thing is good, but for starting a online company and coming up with a business plan… you want to be diversified across multiple platforms.


Click funnels versus the traditional website

The traditional website:

For the last 20 years or so, it was taught that the best way to get a website out and viewable to the public; was to create a website with 4 or 5 categories and then create drop downs or links to other posts and pages.

This may appear beautiful in design and may look as if it’s actually a good website that does something, but the truth is, this approach does nothing more than get you a really good-looking website.

You see the problem is hidden within what traditional education on web-site design and internet marketing teaches you.  The information that we (internet marketers) have been being fed is backwards.  Traditional websites from a technical perspective are built from the foundation up to overwhelm visitors.

The traffic is there but the conversions are low.  The reason for this is due to too many categories, to many ecommerce products to choose from or too many places for the visitor to go without knowing where to look on your site to get to what it is, they are looking for.

I’m sure you can relate right?  Think back and remember when the last time it was… you visited a website and GOT bored searching for a product or service because you couldn’t find it and left the site.  It’s frustrating isn’t it?

Traditional websites are a thing of the past and the solution is a sales funnel which can be developed and designed with the clickfunnels platform.


Click Funnels:

The advantage of using click funnels over a traditional website, is that you can build out a 2 to 5 landing page site or (sales funnel), that gets straight to the point and leads the user through a sales process.  The visitor isn’t confused on where to go to find what they are looking for.

The visitor knows exactly where they are and knows exactly what is in front of them regarding the purchasing decision.  No more searching through a website that has 5 categories and 30 pages worth of content to find the 1 product they wanted in the first place.

The platform is very user friendly and you have the option of designing a funnel from scratch or using pre-built templates.  This means that the guessing work is already done for you and the templates are ready to go.  All you must do is input your copy or text for the sales funnel, throw a video or two on there, add some pictures and you are ready to roll.

The templates are already proven and tested to work for converting customers, the days of testing and NOT knowing, if what you have developed in fact works.

Think about it… how much money does that save you?  How much time does that save you from having to test and retest a sales funnel to get it to convert visitors and leads into sales?


How much does clickfunnels cost per month?

Here is the good news!  Clickfunnels is OFFERED FREE for a 14-day trial.

I don’t know about you, but every platform I have ever tried, when it comes to building websites online has had an up-front cost to even try it out.

For example, to get access to WordPress through Bluehost, you are going to pay around a 100.00 or more just to get started and to use the WordPress platform to start building a traditional website.

With Clickfunnels, at least you get 14 days FREE just to get a feel for it in order to see if you even like it.

Once your 14 days is up then you have the following choices for packages as seen in the picture below:

CLICK on the image to see further pricing details.



The Etison suite may seem a bit high in pricing for a monthly FEE, therefore we recommend going with the 97.00 a month package if you’re just starting out.

The Etison suite includes Clickfunnels, Actionetics and Backpack. These tools make things easier when it comes to integration with software for email marketing and follow ups with leads, however there are more AFFORDABLE ways to get these tasks done with a 3rd party plugin, when you are just getting started.

If you are just starting out with a business and trying to generate leads and new customers, it’s more cost efficient to go with the 97/month package and pay for WuFoo forms for 14.00 a month.

Basically, you’re saving yourself 286.00 a month to get the basic functionality for the funnel, so that you can at least operate as a legitimate business and scale up from there without BREAKING the BANK.

If your interested in knowing more about 3rd party plugins that integrate with Clickfunnels, we suggest using a software tool such as WuFoo forms and Zapier.


Clickfunnels Features:

  • User friendly dashboard
  • Up 20 funnels for the 97/Month plan
  • Pre-designed template funnels, Tested and proven
  • Over 7 different sales funnel types to choose from
  • Share funnels
  • Easy to integrate with 3rd party software programs
  • URL domain name transfers
  • WordPress plugin friendly
  • High quality FREE training
  • One of the highest paying funnel hacks / affiliate programs on the internet

clickfunnels – shared funnels

If you are curious about what shared funnels is… it’s a way to share your funnels that you build with others through social media platforms and with others who have a Clickfunnels account.

Another words for example, if we want to share a sales funnel designed for digital marketers, we have a funnel called .  This funnel is one we built for our marketing services that we offer to clients locally.

We can share it with anyone who might want their own funnel pre-designed already to provide marketing services for small businesses.  The only thing the receiving party must do is change the copy text, theme colors, pictures and videos etc..

So you see, Clickfunnels allows you to tap into a community of professionals who already have a  proven funnel that works and even better… you can get these funnels from those professionals for FREE if you end up making the right connections.


Clickfunnels Training

We have tried a few different platforms for marketing and building websites over the years and we would say the one thing that really separates Clickfunnels from all the other platforms and programs out there is the training.

Right from the start, we got access to the Funnel Builder secrets which takes about a week to complete, if you are committed to learning what Clickfunnels is about and how it works.

Once you are done with the Funnel Builder Secrets, you then get access to the Traffic Secrets. We must admit, Traffic Secrets is a bit overwhelming due to the amount of information you get.

We aren’t complaining though because it’s going above and beyond our expectations regarding the training you get when you’re learning new tricks about digital marketing.

In summary, the training gets a 10 out of 10!


Our thoughts on clickfunnels

When we started our 97/month package, initially we wanted to learn how the dashboard worked and how to design our own funnels.

It took about 3 days and we already had the foundation of our funnel built.  We used a pre-built template, so literally all we had to do was change the copy text, theme color, background and use our own sales videos and pictures.

We did some additional work since we didn’t choose to use Actionetics or Backpack plugins.  Instead we used our own form that we developed through WuFoo and integrated the form into our funnel.

We plan on using Actionetics and Backpack plugins later when we have scaled our funnels and are generating leads and making money from the clients we receive.

As for an update on where we are with our journey using Clickfunnels, we are getting ready to launch our first test run clickfunnel using Facebook Ads.

If you want to know how this goes or want to follow us on this journey so you can see our results as we go… then join us on our YouTube channel Lions Den Investments and Reviews.

For more detailed how to videos and tips and tricks with ClickFunnels and other marketing software strategies, check out DIY Digital Marketing which is an extension You Tube channel Casey Kepley has created just for digital marketing beginners.


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